After 19 years to serving and protecting the public, Ben was forced to give it all up and retire in October 2020 due to ill health and work-related PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Father of two, Ben now aged 47, still has that same dream of helping others, however this chapter involves Ben exchanging his baton for the mighty pen and taking up a new role out of the uniform that was his identity for almost two decades. Ben is now an successful author, motivational speaker and YouTuber, sharing his life and work experiences – the ups and downs of policing, living with PTSD, and coping with the stigma attached to mental illness.
In November 2021, Ben teamed up with his close friend Dan who has worked within the print and design industry for over 30 years to create the brand “1965 PTSD Awareness’. Both Dan and Ben are massive advocates of mental health, and are proud to promote this in their clothing range. BSP Media now organises fundraising events on behalf of 1965 PTSD for their chosen charities such as Andys Man Club, 999PTSD and Police - Fire Fighter Treatment Centres.
PTSD999 and 1965 PTSD Awareness are proud to announce our partnership. Both organisations will continue to operate independently but will work on some collaborative projects and revenue streams. With joint funding we will be able to deliver vital courses to those within our Emergency Services and their families. The training will help to identify signs, symptoms, risks and resources available. We will deliver Mental Health First Aid, Suicide First Aid and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and PTSD awareness presentations. As our partnership grows we intend to resume providing funded treatments. We are equally passionate and driven to help those that help the public daily.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller